Hullbreaker Isle

Hullbreaker Isle

Level 50, ilvl 70

50, i110

Lower La Noscea (X:26, Y:36)

King of the Hull

Upon the Rhotano Sea, along the fringes of the island chain known as the Cieldalaes, there stretches an expanse of water perpetually covered in heavy mist. Hidden within this impenetrable shroud is Hullbreaker Isle, so named for having smashed innumerable hapless vessels into flotsam over the centuries. In the wake of the Calamity, however, it came to be that the mist would lift under certain conditions. On one such day, a merchantman sailed into the area to behold not only the isle itself, but also the wreck of the Haar, the flagship of the dread pirate Mistbeard. The discovery has rekindled interest in Mistbeard's legendary hoard, and treasure hunters the realm over are now scrambling to find passage to the elusive isle.  



In this boss fight, the player's objective is to kill the adds before focusing on the boss. Periodically, the boss, known as Sasquatch, will become hungry and pound his chest. When this happens, players should activate one of the banana trees and allow the boss to eat the banana dropped from the tree. These bananas will calm the boss down and temporarily stop his debuffs and AoE attacks. Throughout the fight, monkey adds will spawn, and players must prioritize killing them and prevent them from eating the bananas. The boss has several abilities, including the Wild Banana Tree, where interacting with the tree drops a Banana Bunch on the ground. This can be used to interrupt the boss's Chest Thump ability, which is a damaging AoE attack that can be stopped if the boss trundles over to eat the bananas. Additionally, there are small monkeys called Smallfoot Sifaka that spawn during the Chest Thump ability and will move towards and eat the Banana Bunches. These adds should be killed quickly or tanked away from the summoned Banana Bunches. Lastly, the boss has an ability called Stool Pelt, where he throws poo at a random player, forming a large AoE around them. To succeed in this fight, players should prioritize killing the Smallfoot Sifaka adds to prevent them from eating the Banana Bunches and avoid interacting with multiple Wild Banana Trees simultaneously.


In this straightforward fight, players should avoid touching bubbles that spawn until the boss submerges underground for the second time and casts a blue AoE wave that covers the entire boss room. Running into the bubbles will shield players from the boss' AoE damage, while those outside of the bubbles will take massive amounts of damage. The bubbles should be used to avoid the boss' room-wide AoE, but should not be touched otherwise. The boss has various abilities including Upwell, a long frontal line AoE; Water Puddle, which targets each player with a large AoE; Watery Grave, large bubbles that spawn around the room and should be used to avoid Whirlpool; Burrow, where the boss becomes untargetable and dives into the earth using either Whirlpool or Tunnel; Whirlpool, a large, pulsing AoE that players can avoid by stepping into the Watery Grave bubbles at the right time; Tunnel, where the boss moves across the room in the direction of a random player, dealing damage in the form of small AoEs above it; and Surface Breach, which is used when the boss returns from Burrow and deals heavy damage. Players should also avoid standing where a Watery Grave can spawn as it will suck them in if they are nearby. Tunnel and Whirlpool alternate every other Burrow.


In the Kraken fight, players will need to kill 10 arms of the boss, two per platform. The boss room is divided into multiple platforms, and players must use water sprouts to move between them. Periodically, players will see a green pulsating icon above their heads, indicating the imminent spawning of a tornado. The player with the green icon should quickly move to another platform and then return to the previous one when the tornado drops, as the tornadoes act as time bombs that cause significant damage after a short period. It's important to note that jumping increases the damage taken due to a stacking debuff. Additionally, there are specific abilities in the fight, such as Wallop, Inkblot, and Clearout, associated with the Kraken's arms. After killing four arms, a tentacle will appear, and players should focus on defeating it, as it has more health and is more troublesome. The tentacle's abilities include Wallop and Scoop, which can immobilize and throw players onto random platforms. The World's End ability marks one to two players with a green meteor icon, causing them to drop a tornado that eventually explodes, dealing heavy damage to all players nearby. These marked players should bring the marker to another island and drop it along the far edge before returning to their original platform. It's crucial to be aware that World's End tornado AoEs can hit across platforms if not dropped along the room's edge. Additionally, the Tentacle will follow the tank to whichever platform they are on, making it difficult to attack if the tank keeps moving. Therefore, it's advisable to stay in one place unless avoiding a World's End attack.
